From Kimberly Graham <[email protected]>
Subject Investments.
Date February 17, 2020 10:14 PM
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Universal Healthcare, Universal Childcare and Debt Free College may sound like fantasies, but they exist in nearly all other developed countries (other than the United States.)

The difference between nearly all other developed countries and ours: those countries invest in the well-being of all people, while America only invests in the super-wealthy and corporations.

This is due to the huge influence of money in politics. Simply put, corporations and the super rich are legally allowed to buy politicians, and the legislative process itself. These enormously rich and powerful people and corporations are literally writing our laws.

I'm different though. I am not accepting any donations from corporations or corporate lobbyists. My campaign relies on grassroots support from people like you. Well organized people can out-perform powerful corporations if we work together.

Can you help us reach more voters in Iowa by pitching in $5, $10 or $25 today? ([link removed])

If you want Universal Healthcare, Universal Childcare, and debt free trade school or college please make a donation today so we can finally have someone in the U.S. Senate who represents us. Let’s change the status quo TOGETHER!
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
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Healthcare, childcare, and access to higher education aren’t handouts. They are investments in PEOPLE. I’m asking you to invest in our campaign today, so we can win this seat and get down to the business of investing in everyone in this country, not just the super-wealthy and the powerful.

Onward to justice for all!
Support Kimberly today! ([link removed])
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Copyright © 2020 Kimberly for Iowa, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Kimberly for Iowa
P.O. Box 103
Indianola, IA 50125
Paid for by the Kimberly for Iowa Campaign

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