Dear friend, The news is impossible to ignore — war in Ukraine, emergency in Northwest Syria, natural disasters in Haiti, and ongoing conflict in Sudan. As Mercy Corps’ Senior Director for Humanitarian Response, it’s my job to prepare our teams to respond to crises like these. Every day, I see firsthand the difference that generosity from our global supporters makes. That’s why I am reaching out to you today: Our goal is to raise $300,000 for our Global Emergency Response Fund by September 29. Will you make a gift today to support our efforts to prepare and respond to emergencies when they strike?
Mercy Corps team members deliver essential supplies to camp for displaced people following the massive earthquake that struck Syria in February.
In Northwest Syria, for example, we are expanding our existing support of communities inside the region in the aftermath of the February 2023 earthquake. In addition to providing food, hygiene kits, shelter supplies, and other immediate needs, our teams are working on long term solutions such as repairing the boreholes that supply clean water in camps for displaced people. A gift to our Global Emergency Response Fund not only helps Mercy Corps provide emergency aid to people when disasters strike, it also helps us hold steady in our response, partnering with communities to create lasting, positive change. Please make a gift today — all gifts to our Global Emergency Response Fund will support our work in countries where help is most urgently needed. Together, we can be there for families — both now and in the future — as they work to build a better world for all. Gratefully,
With 16+ years’ experience, Erynn leads Mercy Corps’ global humanitarian response and preparedness efforts. She loves that her work provides opportunities to engage with people from all walks of life.