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Dear Free Software Supporter,
The LibrePlanet wiki is a valuable resource for anyone interested in
free software. The wiki has resources for everything from finding and
connecting with local free software teams to handy repositories
of free software advocacy materials for helping educate those
around you.
As a community-led effort, the LibrePlanet wiki's growth relies on
contributions from activists like yourself. That's why we are
scheduling a window of time to work on the wiki together. Plus, the
campaigns team will be making ourselves available to help with any
questions that you have in real time.
We're calling this event a "LibrePlanet Wiki Edit Fest," and our
hope is that we'll welcome a few new people to edit the wiki and that
we'll be able to make progress on improving some of the pages on the
wiki, an ever-growing and important community resource. The only
requirement to being able to edit the wiki yourself is that you have
an account through the FSF, which you can do either by joining the
FSF as an associate member or by creating a non-member
account without charge.
The interactive workshop will be coordinated via both BigBlueButton
(BBB) and IRC. If your preference is video chat, please register
and join us via BBB, and if your preference is text chat you will be
able to ask questions via IRC at #libreplanet on Libera.Chat. The BBB
link will be sent to you upon registration. Regardless of your
preference, as always, you will be able to join entirely with free (as
in freedom) software.
This is the first time we have hosted such an event. Our hope is to
host LibrePlanet wiki edit fests on a regular basis, such as the
fourth Wednesday of the month, every month. We will be using this
first event as a test to gauge interest in such events and make future
plans based on this. If this is something that interests you and you
are able to attend, please join us and participate. We predict that
events such as these will really help to nurture this important
community resource.
I look forward to working together with you to improve this
valuable resource.
Yours in freedom,
Devin Ulibarri
Outreach & Communications Coordinator