It's a historic strike summer!

UPS Teamsters Rally for a Fair Contract!

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 8:45 am

The UPS Teamsters are rapidly approaching the end of their nationwide contract! There is a very real possibility that the Teamsters will go on strike in just a few weeks, and if they do, it would be one of the largest private sector strikes in US history. UPS made record profits during the pandemic, and that's thanks to their workers. The Teamsters are prepared to strike as early as August 1st if the bosses won't give them a fair contract.

To prepare for a strike, the Teamsters have been started holding 'practice pickets' at sites all across the country, including here in LA. And on Wednesday, they'll be rallying downtown!

Join Teamsters President Sean O’Brien and the entire LA Labor Movement on Wednesday, July 19 as they prepare for what could be the largest private sector strike in American history! Let's show UPS and every greedy employer that LA stands united for fair contracts & workers' rights!

Turn out to support free transit!

Thursday, July 27 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

At our Chapter Convention in April we voted to make transit justice a priority campaign for the next year, and at our last chapter meeting earlier this month we voted on the demands we are going to focus on: abolishing fares on LA Metro, expanding public services at Metro stops, and working with our socialists in office to create more dedicated bus and bike lanes to improve transit speed and accessibility.

Mayor Karen Bass campaigned on fareless transit, so our coalition partners are leading a big effort to get hundreds of transit riders to turn out to the next Metro Board meeting. That’s the governing body for the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and they typically meet once a month to review budgets, contracts, policies, and programs, and make decisions about what to adopt, fund, and build. This will be the Mayor’s first meeting chairing the Board, so we want to show up big to demonstrate that transit riders are serious about the issue and we are going to hold her accountable to follow through on her campaign promises.
This will be DSA-LA’s first big entry into the transit justice movement, and we want to show that we are serious about it by having a huge turnout.

Help send comrades to DSA's National Convention!

This August, delegates from across the country will convene at the 2023 DSA National Convention in Chicago to decide the future for DSA and our movement!

As the second largest chapter in the country, DSA-LA has been apportioned a whopping 58 delegates and 6 alternates to send to convention. Our delegation has been elected and ready to go, but we need help getting them there! 

Check out our fundraiser below and get limited edition DSA-LA posters and jackets for donating!!

Support striking workers!

Starbucks workers are walking off their jobs.

Hotel workers with UNITE HERE 11 are striking across Southern California for a living wage.

UPS Teamsters are getting ready to strike on August 1st.

And just last week, 160,000 SAG-AFTRA entertainment workers joined WGA members in a historic strike—the first time that time two major Hollywood unions are on strike at the same time since the Eisenhower administration.

We're all up against a capitalist system that is designed to devalue and dehumanize us. Socialism and solidarity is the only way forward. And together, we can win.

Click here to stay #StrikeReady and sign up to receive updates about labor actions happening across Los Angeles County.

Donate to the Snacklist to feed entertainment workers, and keep an eye out for the launch of a general fund to support all striking workers!

Mutual Aid Committee Meeting

Monday, July 24 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join the Mutual Aid Committee for our twice-monthly committee meeting, where we’ll be discussing ongoing and upcoming committee work, as well as helping folks get plugged into other work throughout the city. New members always welcome!

Please RSVP for directions/meeting connection information.

Mutual Aid Committee meetings are held on the second and fourth Monday of each month.

Power to the Tenants Working Group Meeting

Thursday, July 20 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Join DSA-LA's priority campaign on housing! We'll be discussing updates from our component campaigns, planning upcoming actions, and working to develop our longer term general strategy and bringing the components into alignment with that. 


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