Dear Sisters and Brothers, 


Here are the latest updates you need to know about California Labor this month! 


The California labor movement is truly the epicenter of what is becoming one of the most active seasons of worker empowerment and action ever. As you may have read, SAG-AFTRA joined the Writers Guild on strike, basically shutting down Hollywood. Unite Here Local 11 is also striking numerous hotels through LA and Orange County. Amazon drivers have hit the picket line in the Inland Empire, as have painters and sanitation workers in Northern California.


We don't expect this activity to lighten up any time soon. At the end of July, unionized Starbucks baristas will be staging walk-outs and a bus tour up the state, and we are all anxiously awaiting the UPS contract. If it's not settled, expect those Teamsters to walk-off the job nationwide on August 1.


Want to hit the picket line or help out? Visit our web page to see all of the big actions, pickets and rallies planned:


If you'd like to add your unions' actions to the general calendar, please click HERE to send us your information so we can help amplify it! 


The California Organizing Institute is coming to the Inland Empire! After successful three-day trainings and organizing drives in San Diego and Alameda Counties, our next stop will be in San Bernardino from August 18 to 20th. If you are interested in signing up, please email [email protected]


We are heading into the final stretch of the legislative session. All of our priority bills are still moving ahead—most are in the Appropriations Committee, and we hope will reach the Assembly and Senate floor for their final votes in September. 


One bill we've referenced before that's heating up this summer is AB 316, our Driverless Trucks bill co-sponsored with the Teamsters. This legislation represents the existential crisis so many of our unions, and members are facing: how the adoption of artificial intelligence and technology affects good jobs and safety in the workplace. We have earned bipartisan support on this commonsense legislation that simply requires automated heavy-duty trucks to have a trained human operator on board. It's imperative that the Governor understands how important this bill is for the entire labor movement. Sign up for updates on the AB 316 fight HERE and post your support for the bill on social media using the hashtags #GoodJobsSafeStreets and pass #AB316.


Over the next few years, we will continue to lead the country on legislation like AB 316 and AB 701, our previous warehouse algorithm management law, to ensure technology advances don't endanger or replace workers. If you are interested in exploring this topic more, please reach out to [email protected] to receive information about our legislative convenings this fall.


Anytime an organization goes through a change of leadership, it takes time to establish a clear vision and a team to implement that vision. We have (finally) finalized our Senior Staff Leadership Team. In case you need to know who to turn to with questions:


Chief of Staff: Shubhangi Domokos

[email protected]

Shubhangi oversees the entire operation and is specifically the go-to on Media/Press and Scheduling. If you want a statement from me or the Federation, she is your point of contact.


Deputy Chief of Staff: Melanie Hallahan

[email protected]

Melanie leads our Central Labor Council & Affiliate engagement. She handles new affiliations, per capita / delegate voting strength and data requests.


General Counsel: Caitlin Vega

[email protected]

Caitlin coordinates all our legal questions, positions, amicus briefs and lawsuits. She is also responsible for any AFL-CIO Constitutional questions.


Legislative & Strategic Campaigns Director: Sara Flocks

[email protected]

Sara is the go-to on any question regarding legislation, policy or agency decision making.


Organizing Director: Chloe Osmer

[email protected]

Chloe coordinates all of our trainings, including our California Organizing Institute, strike school, and deferred action trainings. She also coordinates the Federation's help with organizing drives and convenes organizing directors & leads.


Political Director: Bryan Blum

[email protected]

Bryan is the contact for candidates, ballot measure committees and other political entities seeking Labor's support. He can answer all questions about endorsements and election timelines.


Economic Development & Union Jobs Director: Cesar Lara

[email protected]

Cesar is the contact for our grant-funded work, including our lay-off diversion & support response. If you are facing a large lay-off or need resources for out of work union members, Cesar is the contact.


This year we will be holding our statewide COPE Convention on December 5 at the Oakland Marriott City Center. Our Executive Council will meet on December 4 to establish recommendations (based on recommendations from our Central Labor Councils) for all State Assembly, State Senate, and Congressional Primary Races. We will also be taking up a possible endorsement for US Senate. Check with your local union to see if you are a delegate to this important convention and be on the lookout for room blocks. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].


In Solidarity,

Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher