Congress is in recess this week, so let’s use this time to get more signatures on the petitions (action items #1-2) and prepare for the coming months (action item #3), which we know are going to be BUSY as we strive to Keep America Great!
Action Item #1 If you haven’t signed the following petitions, please do so today! Also, share these petitions on social media! All you have to do is click on the buttons below to share from your own account. You don’t even have to write the post (though, you can feel free to add your own words)!
Action Item #2 If you have a website, or send out a newsletter, or just want to BCC a whole bunch of likeminded friends, copy and paste this blurb and help promote our petitions through your network! If you care about honest government and holding the people who sought to undo the 2016 election accountable, please sign the following three petitions and pass them on to your own networks! – Thanks!
Pledge to Support President Trump We know the Democrats aren’t done trying to destroy President Trump, and by extension, the rest of us. We need to show affirmative support ahead of their next attacks.
It’s time to hold the Bidens accountable for their corruption, and to finally prove why President Trump’s concerns about their corruption were 100% legitimate.
Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, James Comey, John Brennan, the FBI, the Whistleblower, etc. The people who conspired to remove a duly elected President via illegitimate means must be held accountable, and the only way to do that is to get to the bottom of what actually happened.It’s time to hold the Bidens accountable for their corruption, and to finally prove why President Trump’s concerns about their corruption were 100% legitimate.
Action Item #3 In preparation for the work we will all have to do this year to Keep America Great, you are going to want to recruit volunteers to help. Since Congress is in recess this week, use this week to reach out to people you know would be interested in working with you on this. Or, if you run a local group, use this week to reach out to people that haven’t attended a meeting or event in a while. Reach out with a phone call, a text, or an email, and see if you can get them to commit to helping out when the time comes. Start building your list now and you won’t feel so crunched for time later!
In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2020 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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