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I’ll keep this brief.

Governor Doug Burgum is running for President, and I think it’s fantastic.


People who sleep on him are doing so at their own peril.

Doug Burgum always strives to bring out the best of North Dakota and all of America since he is dedicated to improving every American life. Doug is relentless – he will fight for the Americans who others have forgotten. Raised in a small town, Doug started as a chimney sweep, built billion-dollar companies against all odds, and became a successful two-term governor. We need an outsider like Doug in the White House to clean up Washington and get America back on track.

Friend, the Republican Primary Debate is coming up fast and Team Burgum needs your help.


To secure a spot on the debate stage, Team Burgum must have 40,000 new members officially join their movement by August 20th. 

By contributing just $1 or more, you can instantly become an early team member and help Doug Burgum represent supporters like you on the debate stage this August.

Please stand with Team Burgum to help secure a spot on the debate stage by making your first donation of $1 or more today. >>

Thank you for your support,

Kelly Armstrong
U.S. Representative for North Dakota

Follow Kelly on social media or check out his website:
Armstrong for Congress 1515 Burn Boat Drive, Ste C Box 112
Bismarck, ND 58503
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