Remember the historic protests at Standing Rock?

Hi Friends,

The company behind the Dakota Access Pipeline is still trying to punish those who challenged it – with a “SLAPP” suit. This impacts all of us who believe in speaking out against those in power. The Protect the Protest (PtP) coalition, of which Breach is a member, is co-hosting a virtual town hall where you can learn more. “We Will Not Be Silenced: Protecting the Right to Protest and Dissent” will be next Tuesday, July 25 at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST.


Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (SLAPPs) are a baseless and aggressive legal tactic used by deep-pocketed corporations to silence people or organizations who speak out against them. Greenpeace USA, another PtP member, recently defeated a SLAPP in federal court – but not without a long and expensive battle – and they are facing another SLAPP related to Standing Rock. 

Town hall speakers include:

  • Congressman Jamie Raskin, (D-MD 8th District)

  • Kirk Herbertson, Senior Policy Advisor at EarthRights International

  • Christopher Miller, Head of Global Activism Strategy at Ben & Jerry's

  • Deepa Padmanabha, Greenpeace USA Deputy General Counsel

  • Esther Calhoun, activist who has been SLAPPed 

The PtP coalition understands that an attack like this on one of us is an attack on all of us. With allied organizations and people like you, we are fighting back. 

We hope to see you at the town hall next week!

The Breach Team
