In one fell swoop in the last week of June, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas made the lives of millions of Americans worse.
If Thomas were making these decisions based on constitutional interpretation, that would be one thing. But it's clear he's enforcing his own right-wing agenda with backing from the hundreds of thousands of dollars in gifts he’s taken from billionaire donors.(1) Thomas' power and influence on the court has only increased with the new right-wing majority, and he's already told us his plans to attack more of our rights.
We’re past the point of needing an “investigation” -- Clarence Thomas must be impeached. Several members of Congress are calling for impeachment hearings, and they need public support. Will you sign?
Tell Congress: Impeach Clarence Thomas!
It’s common sense: If a judge has a conflict of interest with a case, he should recuse himself from hearing it.
Clarence Thomas has refused.
Even when it comes to his own wife, Thomas has not stepped down from cases. Ginni Thomas was part of the team arguing for the Bush case in Bush v. Gore in 2000, and Thomas didn’t step down. She lobbied for the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, and Thomas didn’t step down when the Supreme Court heard the case. And she actively participated in the attempted coup of 2021, and Thomas actively protected her.
We rely on the Supreme Court to work for the people, not their own self interest. Thomas is the worst of the worst, and he must be removed.
Sign now and call on Congress to hold impeachment hearings!
Thank you for joining the fight.
–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Jen, Lindsay, and Scottie (and the rest of the Courage team)
Footnote: 1.  |