“A fistfight could break out at any moment. I kind of dig that.”

“A fistfight could break out at any moment. I kind of dig that.”
“[it’s a] two-way sword”
“You can’t have too many rifts for too long.”
“They will be nailing that coffin shut and one of them is still in there kicking and screaming.”



These aren’t quotes about the January 6th Insurrection. They’re quotes from members of the Freedom Caucus, the most extreme MAGA Members of Congress in the House, watching on as insurrectionists Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert turn on each other in public.

Their feud started during Kevin McCarthy’s drawn-out Speaker election. Boebert led the fight to embarrass McCarthy, while Greene whipped votes for the current speaker. Infuriatingly for Boebert’s insurrection-within-an-insurrection, Greene was acting with Trump’s blessing. She walked around on the House floor, handing her phone to hold-outs with Trump on the line so he could bully them into voting for McCarthy.

Some Republican insiders have speculated that Greene is trying to position herself to be selected as Trump’s running mate.

The fight escalated almost a month ago when Greene got mad that Boebert cribbed her Biden impeachment draft, saying, “I’ve donated to you. I’ve defended you. But you’ve been nothing but a little b— to me and you copied my articles of impeachment after I asked you to cosponsor them.”

How’d her fellow insurrectionist respond to that? Boebert had Greene kicked out of the Freedom Caucus.

As much as we’re enjoying the fireworks, this incident once again proves how The 147 and their fellow MAGA extremists continue to embarrass the People’s House. Instead of representing their constituents’ interests, all they do is stab each other in the back in the most embarrassing ways possible. And while they get their precious cable news interviews, we, the people, lose every time.

With Trump on the sidelines, The 147 are fighting amongst each other. But if they win big in 2024, rest assured that they’ll set aside their differences and start attacking our rights instead of each other.

Add your name if you agree: Congress is the greatest democratic institution on Earth. We need representatives that defend the Constitution and champion their constituents, not call each other profanities and fight like teenagers.


-Operation 147






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