
This beautiful President's Day, I want share with you information about the Missing Middle Housing Study, remind you of our party this coming Sunday, and a story about how I am making good on a promise to get a dog. (Yes, you read that last part correctly)
Short video on the Missing Middle Housing Study
On Missing Middle we are seeking input on over the coming three weeks and via meetings available to civic organizations over the coming months. This is the beginning of important work that we truly want your thoughts on. Go here for more information:
Click here to Join Us on Sunday!
This coming Sunday from 330 to 530 pm we are going to celebrate 2019's wins that are leading to change in 2020! As we do, I am proud to share with you that we have finished raising the funds to pay off 2018! With your help, we are just $1,983 from our goal to sustain the work over the coming year.
Buy your ticket asap so that we can plan for you!
At the home of Sally Hill Cooper
1300 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
[Unit number available when you sign in at front desk] 
Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020
3:30 to 5:30 PM (Free Street Parking)
How much?
Friend - $100; Ticket - $50; Young Democrat - $25;
Co-Host - $250; Host - $500
I promise this will be an afternoon not to be missed! To learn more go here:  
Arizona, Brooke's dog. She goes by "Zoe" likes treats and running off the leash. (Where allowed.)
Last, I want to share with you a story from 2018. I was mocked by one pundit for saying I wanted a dog, but not getting one. It was enough of a thing that the campaign team wanted to make sure I did not respond on twitter. And I had to tell a few people that I felt I was too busy to get a dog with all the night events.

So, I wanted to introduce you to Brooke's dog, Zoe who I am getting to spend time with ..... and to tell you how much I am enjoying keeping this promise :)
Join us on Sunday!
Enjoy your President's Day and join me on Sunday. Zoe won't be there, but Brooke, Sheila Bynum Colemen, and so many friends will. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support and your commitment to our shared ideals, 

Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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Matt for Arlington · 2001 15th St N Apt 506 · Arlington, VA 22201-2693 · USA