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Dear John,
As one of our committed, crucial supporters, I am writing to let you know
ahead of a wider announcement that as of 2 September 2023, I will be
stepping down as Executive Director of Population Matters.
The decision became clear to me on my 65th birthday while away on holiday
with my family. None of us know how long we have left here on Earth.
Hitting sixty-five made me think hard as to what I might do with the 5, 10,
15 or so years left.
I was fortunate to find my way into environmental campaigning and
communications long before there were any specific environmental degrees.
In 1985, I simply turned up at Friends of the Earth’s offices offering to
volunteer while looking for a teaching job. A few months later, Chernobyl
blew-up and from that dark cloud came the silver-lining of a paid role
tracking radioactive fall-out across the UK. Since then, I have worked in
or around the environment movement, which has provided me with many
wonderful, often humbling, opportunities and connected me with some amazing
people and places around the world - which you can read more of in this
blog [3]:
My connection with Population Matters goes back over 12 years, with stints
undertaking freelance projects, as a trustee, and being offered the job of
Executive Director previously in 2010. I turned it down then because the
context was even more challenging, resources were tight, and I had a young
daughter with additional needs to support. I am grateful to have been
approached again in 2016 to take on the role, which I am very glad I did.
It might have been tempting to just take off 3 months or so as a
sabbatical. But I recognise that Population Matters needs a fresh face and
voice, working alongside our staff team, to seize the opportunities and
exploit the openings that are there and increasing, and to push past the
negative stereotyping that any individual or organisation concerned with
population issues can be subject to. Related to that, I commend our
President, Jonathon Porritt’s blog [4], coinciding with World Population
Day, which exposes such stereotyping and the ‘wilful denial’ by some
that population is a core, underlying environmental issue.
Population Matters has come a long way over the past 7 years that I have
been privileged to be in post – our progress dependent upon and
underpinned by the generous donations of our members and supporters like
you. Colleagues past and present, with the oversight of the Boards that
have spanned my time, have worked hard to dispel those lingering negative
stereotypes - our new 'people power' report [5] being a good example
- and cleared the way for new, exciting partnerships and fresh, more
diverse voices to join our own, as our latest magazine
[6] demonstrates.
Whilst I am sad and a little envious (!) of not being able to enjoy and be
part of seizing those increasing opportunities and working with that
exciting diversity of people and partners from across the world, it is time
to pass on the baton.
With a strong and aligned leadership team and the best, biggest and
broadest operational team [7] the charity has ever had (in terms of
knowledge, experience and positive attitude), I am confident and pleased to
be leaving Population Matters in good heart and capable hands while my
successor is recruited by the Board [8].
Population Matters' primary purpose is and remains as a campaigning
organisation working on the issue of human population growth and its
impacts upon people and planet, and promoting the available, positive
solutions. In that mission and purpose, Population Matters is unique
amongst UK charities and one of a select number active internationally -
which is why your continued support is so critical for the organisation and
its future. For me, that future is a short break while I work out where and
how I might best make a 'positive nuisance' of myself next!
Thank you again for your support, committed interest, and much appreciated
encouragement over the past 7 years.
All very best wishes,
Robin Maynard
Executive Director
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The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7QY, UK
Registered company 3019081, charity 1114109
© 2023 Population Matters
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