News from Rep. Chip Roy


Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

As I begin another busy week in Washington, DC, I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional district, and our country as a whole:

Taking on woke-ism in the military
Year after year, Republicans pass a National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that propagates the cultural rot at the Department of Defense (DoD). This year, House Republicans changed that narrative with several huge conservative victories. Several of my own amendments made it into the final bill such as stopping taxpayer funded abortions in the military, banning Critical Race Theory in military schools, and stopping Biden’s radical climate change agenda.

Your taxpayer dollars will now go towards a military that can provide security and win wars, instead of promoting radical and woke ideologies.  

Holding the weaponized FBI accountable
Last week, FBI Director Christopher Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee and was completely evasive to our questions. Wray could not “talk about” Hunter Biden, failed to answer questions about BigTech, and would not answer my own questions about the FBIs raid on the home of a pro-life pastor in Philadelphia. 

The American people want answers. In Congress, we need to use the power of the purse to force accountability and get the reforms our constituents want out of this administration.  
Here are some other news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:
Rep. Chip Roy Grills FBI Director Christopher Wray Over Bureau’s Raid of Pro-Life Advocate
U.S. House adopts Texas Republican’s amendment blocking Pentagon abortion policy
House Passes ‘Anti-Woke’ Defense Bill, Setting Up Clash With the Senate
House Conservatives Make Spending Demands to Rein In ‘Biden’s Radical Woke’ Government
Chip Roy Isn’t Buying the Secret Service Conclusion on Cocaine Gate


Kerr County Border Crisis Town Hall
Last Tuesday, Kerr County’s Sheriff Office hosted a Border Crisis Town Hall. During this meeting, residents were encouraged to sign up for Code Red app alerts and report any suspicious activity to law enforcement. In case you missed it, you can find more app information here.

Wounded Warrior Project
Team Roy visited the Wounded Warrior Project HQ in San Antonio to learn about programs, partnerships, and resources available to veteran constituents and their families. My team was honored to meet with these hard-working members and I am proud to support this organization and all it does for our veterans.

Congressional App Challenge


Calling all TX-21 middle and high school students to participate in the Congressional App Challenge! Design your own app for one of the most prestigious computer science student competitions in our nation. Don’t miss out on an opportunity to represent the TX-21 district! For more information, visit:

If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices. 

If your friends, relatives, or neighbors would also like to sign up for these weekly updates, they can do so by sending my office a quick email or simply by signing up here. For more up-to-the-minute updates, you can follow my press team on Facebook and Twitter.


Chip Roy

Member of Congress

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