May 2019, Many of you know that Heritage Study Program Foundation and The United West went to Israel to See How Israel Protects It's Borders. #WALLSWORK
We now introduce you to a place that was once an open area with people working together as a region, crossings between the northern border of Israel and the southern border of Lebanon. But that changed when the PLO and Hezbollah engaged to interrupt the quiet and successful area in Israel, known as Metula. It was once known as a tourist destination, especially for Israeli schoolchildren during summer vacation. BUT... when the 2006 Lebanon War broke out, Metula became a ghost town as its population temporarily fled to escape Hezbollah rocket fire. The town was hit by 120 rockets during that war.

Listen to Dr. Wexler tell us about the Army of South Lebanon, a mixture of Maronite Christians and Muslims, that fought the PLO with Israel's help. The PLO created a Civil War in Lebanon and now Hezbollah's control of Lebanon makes the border a very dangerous place.

Hear how Israeli's are determined to build and secure their land, while taking a stand for the country they love!
#StandForSovereignty #StandForAmerica #StandForIsrael