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The $850 billion chicken comes home to roost

By Andrew Cockburn on Jul 18, 2023 03:00 am

The military industrial complex is not designed to actually fight wars. If so, you wouldn’t see Ukraine struggling right now to win one.
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War with China over Taiwan? Don’t expect US allies to join

By Daniel Larison on Jul 17, 2023 01:37 am

A new report indicates that at least one major partner in the region would be hesitant to enter the fray. And it isn't the only one.
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Pence bombs on Ukraine at Republican 2024 confab

By Andrew Earvolino on Jul 16, 2023 10:28 pm

Using decades-old hawkish rhetoric wasn't hitting the high notes with this populist crowd. Meanwhile, DeSantis played it safer.
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America’s strategy for the NATO alliance is failing

By George Beebe on Jul 14, 2023 09:16 am

Ukraine is depleting its war resources, and the West can't replenish them fast enough to alter that trajectory anytime soon.
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Biden taps US reserves for NATO mission in Europe

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Jul 14, 2023 07:15 am

This is what happens when the alliance promises Zelensky 300,000 response troops for the war.
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Rise in German far-right reflects growing sentiment against Ukraine war

By Suzanne Loftus on Jul 13, 2023 03:00 am

This sudden, populist surge can be partially explained by the political and economic upheaval the country is currently experiencing.
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Rep. Warren Davidson: ‘No mission, no aid’ for Ukraine

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Jul 12, 2023 03:10 am

The Republican conservative joins the fray in what promises to be a fraught vote for billions in more war funding this fall.
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