A bone-thin polar bear lumbers over the ice shelf. Ice CRACKS beneath her paws. She’s starving as her hunting grounds are MELTING AWAY!

The Arctic is melting TWICE AS FAST as the rest of the world due to the climate crisis. Scientists predict that the region could be completely ice-free within the next 31 years. That means polar bears will lose their fragile habitat!

Meanwhile, greedy fossil fuel companies are drilling in the Arctic, spewing climate-warming emissions, and staining the region with pollution. Only 900 Southern Beaufort polar bears remain, and we’re losing more all the time! Tell the Fish and Wildlife Service to STOP oil drilling in the Arctic! We need 4,537 more signatures by 11:59pm TONIGHT! >> 

Arctic oil and gas activity drives away critical food sources for polar bears, disrupts bear den sites, and could even impair feeding, hunting, and caring for cubs! But fossil fuel companies prioritize lining their own profits over this vulnerable species.

The Fish and Wildlife Service confirmed that new oil and gas activity is 95% LIKELY TO CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH TO POLAR BEARS! The FWS could stop this oil and gas drilling – that’s why we need your help! Friend, will you send a message to the FWS and help PROTECT polar bears and the Arctic from Big Oil greed? 

Standing with you,
Raena Garcia,
Fossil Fuel and Lands Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
