Psychedelic research to treat conditions like PTSD and depression is now being taken seriously by both sides of the aisle.
Legislation that Alexandria has been pushing for 4 years just passed the House! 1
This legislation would allow research on the use of psychedelics to treat PTSD, depression, and other mental illnesses. This research has historically been restricted due to stigma around psychedelics, despite many early clinical trials showing good therapeutic results.
In one trial, 68 percent of combat veterans and first responders with chronic PTSD who had not been previously helped by other methods saw such a dramatic decrease in symptoms that they no longer met the clinical criteria for PTSD.
Now, Alexandria needs your help to fight to ensure that this legislation passes the Senate. Will you call your Senators right now and ask them to support the provision in the NDAA that will allow medical research on psychedelics?
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When Alexandria first introduced an amendment to allow for research on psychedelics in 2019, another Member laughed about it and called it her “little shrooms bill.”
That didn’t deter Alexandria from continuing to push for change. Lawmakers were flooded by calls from veterans and others who knew how important finding treatments for PTSD was. Now, just four years later, our ‘little shrooms’ legislation passed the House with bipartisan support.
Developing new therapies for PTSD is so important. At least one in two PTSD patients cannot tolerate or do not respond adequately to existing treatments. Psychedelics also pose a much lower risk of addiction or overdose than many of the drugs currently on the market to treat depression and other mental illnesses.
Now, the next step in this important fight is for the legislation to pass the Senate. If you care about this issue please call your Senator right now and ask them to support research on psychedelics.
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In solidarity,
Team AOC
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