It's painfully clear that instead of making unbiased decisions based on the facts, Clarence Thomas is pushing a right-wing political agenda on the Supreme Court—and is being bankrolled by Republican billionaires to do so. He must resign or be impeached.

Join 1.2+ million and sign the petition: Investigate and impeach corrupt, right-wing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas!

Dear MoveOn member,

News about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s corruption just keeps coming out, adding to a seemingly never-ending list of unethical behavior where he abused his position of power to cater to a right-wing agenda that continues to erode our rights and freedoms.1

Will you add your name to the petition to demand that Clarence Thomas resign or be impeached?

Last week, it was exposed that lawyers who argued cases in front of the Supreme Court sent money through Venmo to one of Thomas’s top aides.2 In April, it was revealed that Thomas accepted gifts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in value from a Republican billionaire and megadonor Harlan Crow (who collects Nazi memorabilia, funds conservative causes that come before the Supreme Court, and has refused to answer questions before Congress) and never disclosed it.3

Last year, Thomas refused to recuse himself from Supreme Court cases involving the January 6 insurrection and Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election, despite his wife's direct role in those efforts.4 The list goes on and on.

It's painfully clear that instead of making unbiased decisions based on the facts, Clarence Thomas is pushing a right-wing political agenda on the Supreme Court—and is being bankrolled by Republican billionaires to do so. It’s unacceptable. That's why more than 1.2 million MoveOn members have already called for Thomas to resign or be impeached.

Add your name to the petition to demand that Clarence Thomas resign or be impeached NOW!

Yacht trips. Private jets. Exclusive retreats. Paid for and funded by Republican billionaires. Thomas—and his right-wing activist and January 6 insurrectionist wife, Ginni Thomas—have taken advantage of all of this and more. Just one more example of the rampant corruption, lack of ethics, and tangled conflicts of interest that define Thomas's tenure on the Supreme Court. Thomas must resign or be impeached, NOW.

When the GOP-hijacked Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Thomas (whose wife played an active role in the January 6 insurrection) wrote a concurring opinion that Obergefell, Griswold, and Lawrence (the rulings that protect contraception, same-sex sexual intimacy, and marriage equality for the LGBTQ+ community) should be revisited next.5 It is so scary, but not surprising at all, especially since this is straight out of the far-right playbook.

Just this month, these corrupt, Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices shamefully ripped President Biden’s student loan relief away from millions of Americans, gutted affirmative action (but left protections in place for legacy admissions), and then made a decision that paves the way for businesses to discriminate against LGBTQ+ people.6,7,8

It is so wrong that—despite his corruption, unethical behavior, and conflicts of interests—Thomas is able to continue to abuse his position on the Supreme Court to pursue right-wing crusades that negatively impact our rights and freedoms. He must resign or be impeached.

Republicans, who have won the presidential popular vote only once in the last 34 years, have engaged in a concerted effort to pack the Supreme Court with right-wing extremist judges. And time and time again, Thomas and the rest of the far-right majority on the Supreme Court have put special interests and politics ahead of people and above delivering justice under the law.

Eventually, we need to expand and rebalance the court, pulling it back from the right-wing takeover enabled by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell's court-packing efforts. And we need a real, enforceable code of ethics for all justices.

But for now, it's clear: Thomas has abused his judicial position for private gain, and his abuse of power, his conflicts of interest, and his secrecy about his financial and political ties make him unfit to serve.

1.2+ million fellow MoveOn members agree: It is time that Thomas face the consequences of his corruption. He must be impeached and removed NOW.

Click here to add your name to this urgent petition, and then pass it along to all of your loved ones to spread the word as far as possible.

Thanks for all you do.

–Jensine, Mana, Madeleine, Justin, and the rest of the team


1. "Clarence Thomas: Here Are All The Ethics Scandals Involving The Supreme Court Justice Amid Horatio Alger Revelations," Forbes, July 10, 2023

2. "Lawyers with supreme court business paid Clarence Thomas aide via Venmo," The Guardian, July 12, 2023

3. "Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire," ProPublica, April 6, 2023

4. "Clarence Thomas Again Moves To Block Jan. 6 Inquiry That Could Implicate His Wife," Yahoo, November 14, 2022

5. "Thomas wants the Supreme Court to overturn landmark rulings that legalized contraception, same-sex marriage," NBC News, June 24, 2022

6. "Supreme Court’s conservatives strike down Biden student debt forgiveness plan," "PBS NewsHour," June 30, 2023

7. "Affirmative action for white college applicants is still here," Vox, July 6, 2023

8. "Supreme Court Rules Businesses Can Discriminate Against Gay People," Rolling Stone, June 30, 2023

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Want to support MoveOn's work? Book bans have skyrocketed thanks to right-wing state laws which have forced teachers to remove books from their classrooms. In response, MoveOn is launching a "Banned Bookmobile," filling it with books that the far right has banned, and driving it around to hand out those books, for free, in highly trafficked areas that will attract media attention. To keep the Banned Bookmobile up and running into 2024, we need your help.

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

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