Refuse Fascism Episode 164 uploaded July 16: Sam Goldman talks to women in Iowa, where a new abortion ban was just signed
into law, making essentially all abortion services unobtainable. Lyz Lenz ia a journalist based in Iowa and author of several books
including Belabored: A Vindication of the Rights of Pregnant Women. Allison Simpson founded We Won’t Go Back – Dubuque Area and Bridgett
Kearney is active with the group.
Lyz Lenz: Passing these laws is not about re-election, it's not about appeasing a
base. This is a religious crusade. This is a humanity issue. Women are
dying women. Women with wanted pregnancies are going septic because they can't
get miscarriage care which is also abortion care. In states where
there are abortion bans, women are three times more likely to die in
childbirth. We should be upset about this. We're fighting for our lives
out here...
Sam Goldman:
While yes, an injunction may and hopefully does come through this week,
the voices you will hear today and the exposure of this ban is a
perfect case study on the fascism afoot directly inspired by the
theocrats on the Supreme Court. It reminds all of us why the
institutions will not save us, voting will not save us and only us
acting outside the killing yes literally killing confines of “politics
as usual” will do.
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