America's Oldest & Largest Young Republican Club

Happy Presidents' Day!

During the wonderful three-day weekend that heralds Presidents' Day, let’s not forget to commemorate our country’s great leaders.

Each of our Commanders-in-Chiefs have left their marks on our country through reforms, successful projects, and myriad achievements. 

The New York Young Republican Club would like to wish all our members a happy Presidents' Day!

Gavin Wax
The New York Young Republican Club


Communications Chair Alexandra Fasulo Appointed to State Governing Board

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to announce that a member of our Board of Governors, Communications Chair Alexandra Fasulo, has recently been appointed to serve on the Board of Directors for the Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs. She will similarly serve as their Communications Chair, assisting them with social media and marketing.

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Black History Month
Speaker Series
Deroy Murdock
 John Burnett
Duval Culpepper

Join us as for our Black History Month Speaker Series with Deroy Murdock, John Burnett, and Duval Culpepper.

Date: Thursday February 20th

Doors Open: 6:30 PM

Event Start: 7:00 PM

Location: 3 West Club

(3 W 51st St)


Members: $5 Online / $10 At Door

Non-members: $10 Online / $15 At Door

A full cash bar will be available throughout the event.

Following the event please join us at the 2M Pub for food and drinks.
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100 Free CPAC Tickets! 

The New York Young Republican Club is proud to announce that we have secured a sponsorship to give 100 members of the club a free ticket to CPAC 2020 in National Harbor, Maryland from February 26th - February 29th!

This is reserved for the first 100 members of the club to sign up. If you are not a member, join now and you will still be eligible to sign up!

Looking forward to seeing you all there for one of the most exciting events for young conservatives all year!

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March Speaker Series With Katie Hopkins

Join us as we welcome Katie Hopkins as our speaker for March’s Speaker Series. Before the speaker club business will be conducted.
Date: Thursday March 19th

Doors Open: 6:45 PM

Event Start: 7:00 PM

Location: 3 West Club (3 W 51st St )


Members: $15 (Online), $20 (At Door)

Non-members: $20 (Online), $25 (At Door)


A cash bar will be available before and during the event.

Following the event please join us at the 2M Pub for food and drinks.

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April Speaker Series With James O'Keefe

Join us as we welcome James O'Keefe as our speaker for April’s Speaker Series. Before the speaker club business will be conducted.
Date: Thursday April 16th

Doors Open: 6:45 PM

Event Start: 7:00 PM

Location: 3 West Club (3 W 51st St )


Members: $15 (Online) / $20 (At Door)

Non-members: $20 (Online) / $25 (At Door)

A cash bar will be available before and during the event.

Following the event please join us at the 2M Pub for food and drinks.
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