How Could NYC’s New Budget Impact the Fight Against Homelessness?

Amid a record-breaking homelessness crisis, there are some bright spots. Mayor Adams has dedicated roughly $4 billion in capital funding to construct affordable housing—a campaign promise that he fell short on last year. Yet staffing cuts and shortages still plague the city agencies tasked with assisting homeless New Yorkers.

Read the story.

Advocates, Councilmembers Push Solutions for Extreme Heat and Hazardous Air
“Extreme heat is not an isolated issue. It is intertwined with other injustices like urban development and racist infrastructure,” said Rami Dinnawi, a representative from the community human rights organization El Puente de Williamsburg. “We need to support community-led initiatives on mitigating the effect of extreme heat.” Read more.
NYC Council Overrides Veto in Order to Expand Rental Vouchers
The mayor has argued that the bills will be too costly, and that an expanded pool will make it harder for existing voucher holders in a city with too few low-cost apartments. But the Council has pushed back consistently, disputing the mayor’s cost estimate and accusing him of shortsightedness. Read the story.
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City Views

Opinions & Analysis
Opinion: Council Legislation Brings Us Closer to a Lead-Free NYC

“Getting lead out of our homes is a racial, economic, and environmental justice issue, and city leadership is obligated to do everything they can to end lead poisoning.”

Read the oped here.

Job Board

This week's offerings

Lead Organizer at Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation

The Lead Organizer will directly support the grassroots Coalition for Community Advancement (CCA): Progress for East New York/Cypress Hills to engage neighborhood residents, houses of worship, small businesses, manufacturers and community groups in campaigns to influence land use actions, win public investments and influence housing and economic projects and policies in and impacting East New York.


Program Director, Cortelyou Supportive Housing at Brooklyn Community Services

The Program Director is responsible for cultivating a safe and affirming living environment for formerly homeless, young adults, many living with a significant mental illness, and many identifying as part of the LQBTQIA+ community.


Assistant Director, Cortelyou Supportive Housing at Brooklyn Community Services

Cortelyou is a 46-unit supportive housing program located in Flatbush Brooklyn. The Program specially services young adults 18-25 years old with Serious and Persistent Mental Illness and have a chronic history of being unhoused. Most of the young adults living at Cortelyou are members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Una Ciudad sin Límites

City Limits en Español
Para los solicitantes de asilo LGBTQIA+, la vida en Nueva York trae nuevas libertades y desafíos

Varios solicitantes de asilo que llegaron a la ciudad de Nueva York después de cruzar la frontera marcharon por primera vez en sus vidas en una marcha del Orgullo. City Limits habló con seis de ellos. Leer el artículo.
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