From Wilson Center <>
Subject What to Watch This Week | Building Lebanon's Sovereignty and the State
Date July 17, 2023 1:03 PM
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Building Lebanon's Sovereignty and the State [[link removed]]
Wednesday, July 19 // 9:00 am–12:30 pm (ET)
The Wilson Center’s Middle East Program will convene a diverse group of esteemed experts, policymakers, and diplomats from the United States and Lebanon to engage in discussions concerning the intricacies of U.S.-Lebanon relations and viable solutions to Lebanon's enduring crises.
This conference represents the culmination of a year of research, convening and dialogue at the Lebanon Ideas Forum , a Wilson Center platform dedicated to fostering the exchange of ideas and facilitating discussions on Lebanon's political, economic, and social developments, as well as their impact on the Middle East region and beyond. The Middle East Program will present a comprehensive white paper on Lebanon covering three key areas: political development, the reconstruction of its economy, and the role of the United States and the international community in supporting Lebanon.
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Still To Come This Week
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New Perspectives on US-Brazil Relations [[link removed]]Tuesday, July 18 // 11:00 am–12:00 pm (ET)
Join the Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute for an in-person conversation with Brazilian Ambassador to the United States Maria Luiza Viotti. Ambassador Maria Luiza Viotti will discuss the challenges and opportunities in US-Brazil relations, environmental protection, and human rights in Brazil. Ambassador Viotti previously served as Brazil’s ambassador to the United Nations and Berlin. This conversation will be Ambassador Viotti’s first public appearance in her new role.
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Colombia’s Frontline Environmental Defenders: Afro-Colombians and the Pacific Coast [[link removed]]Wednesday, July 19 // 2–3:00 pm (ET)
Join us as the Wilson Center’s Latin America Program and Environmental Change and Security Program, in partnership with the Embassy of Colombia and USAID, host a dialogue on the role of environmental defenders in Colombia’s Indigenous and Afro-descendent communities.
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Reforming the Multilateral Development Banks for Global Structural Challenges in a Post-Pandemic World [[link removed]]Wednesday, July 19 // 3–4:00 pm (ET)
Join the Wilson Center’s Latin America Program, Asia Program, and Wahba Institute for Strategic Competition for a discussion on global structural challenges and the role of multilateral finance and investment.
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