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Monday, July 17th, 2023


The ‘Affirmative Action’ Hoax

Lew Rockwell

The Brutal Reality of NATO’s Vilnius Summit

Daniel McAdams

The One Chart That Explains Everything

Mike Whitney

Has Hunter Biden’s Deranged, Drug-Fueled Lifestyle Become a Metaphor for Western Society?

Robert Bridge

When it Comes to C19 Injections ‘Health Freedom’ Is a Psyop

Dr. Joseph Sansone

The Trans Assault on Freedom

Frank Furedi

Launch of a New Doorway to Freedom

Dr. Joseph Mercola

World Economic Forum: Urban Cities of Tomorrow

Helena Glass

Who Are the Masters Behind the Curtain?

Donald Jeffries

Real Change Is Impossible While Our World Is Shrouded in Secrecy

Caitlin Johnstone

Covid Vaccines Harm Newborns, Study Proves

Igor Chudov

Twitter Suspends Account of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Jean Mondoro

Political Theatre

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