URGENT: Help save endangered monarch butterflies from Big Ag’s corporate greed before it’s too late! Donate now for monarchs, people and the planet! >>

A tiny monarch caterpillar emerges from its egg perched upon a milkweed plant. The little creature will eat its own eggshell before converting over to a strict diet of only milkweed, the same plant on which it was born. This plant is crucial to monarchs, especially at these early stages of life.

Once this hatchling is strong enough, it will build a cocoon before transforming into a gorgeous butterfly, spreading its wings with vibrant orange and intricate black patterns.

But this summer, you might be seeing less of this backyard beauty. These iconic pollinators are now ENDANGERED and dying out rapidly. A key contributor to the massive decline in monarchs is the disappearance of milkweed.

Where has all the milkweed gone, Friend? Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup, is wiping out this crucial plant that is vital to monarchs’ survival — all because the greedy pesticide industry continues to prioritize PROFIT above pollinators and the planet. We must take action NOW to protect endangered monarch butterflies before it’s too late to save these beloved pollinators from EXTINCTION! 

Help push Bayer-Monsanto to STOP selling butterfly-toxic Roundup! Donate now and help get toxic pesticides out of our food system >>

We’ve lost over 850 milkweed plants in the past two decades, Friend, so time is running out. Over the same period, 90% of the North American monarch population disappeared — and if we don’t demand accountability from Big Ag, these endangered pollinators could go EXTINCT FOREVER.

Bayer-Monsanto has been caught lying to the public by manipulating science and evading pesticide regulations in order to continue making a profit off of Roundup, despite knowing the dangers of this harmful product.

In fact, Bayer-Monsanto’s lies are so dangerous that it’s putting people directly at risk too, Friend. Aside from threatening monarchs and the planet, glyphosate has been linked to human health impacts like cancer and reproductive harms — with children being the most AT RISK!

Bayer-Monsanto’s corporate greed has gone too far, Friend, and we MUST speak up if we’re going to put an end to it before more damage is done.

Please, Friend, we need 3,204 more grassroots environmentalists like you to stand with us. Can we count on your support by 11:59 P.M tonight to help STOP corporations from putting people, pollinators, and the planet in danger?

Thanks for protecting pollinators and our planet!
Friends of the Earth
