I much prefer writing to you all with good news – but that can’t always be the case.
We narrowly missed our mid-month fundraising goal for July. It’s not easy to harness organizing and fundraising energy for an election that still feels so far away – but I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. What we raise now, while it’s still early, will be the difference between win and lose.
And it’s certainly not too late for us to catch up. Can you pitch in $10, $25, or $50 to put us back on track?
This is a grassroots campaign made up of everyday folks who are ready to get some fresh representation for Idaho.
A healthy collection of small donations will put us right back where we hoped to be by the middle of July, and get the campaign back on track.
I haven’t wasted a single day since kicking off this campaign, and I’m not going to start now. I’m traveling the state and hearing from voters about what matters to them, and sharing my own story. I know for sure that face-to-face connections will be what it takes to FLIP ID-02.
But it’s going to take every single one of us. Please, contribute today, so we don’t lose any ground, and so I’m able to stay the course and run the people-centered race I’m hoping to run – and then WIN.
Thanks for everything,
David Roth