A.G. Barr &
the Mueller report cleared President Trump of collusion and obstruction. |
Trump called for an investigation of the investigators and gave A.G. Barr 'TOTAL RELEASE' to look into who started the Dem's Russian
witch-hunt. |
NOW: |
The DOJ Inspector General has Referred James Comey For Criminal Prosecution For Leaking Classified Information. |
[email protected], ID 90284
John, with Pres. Trump cleared and the truth exposed about Comey and his fellow #Resist conspirators: Do you believe Comey
and his associates should be charged for their crimes?
YES, I support
NO, I support Comey
& #Resist.
We are conducting an urgent digital poll in your district and need the most accurate data to prove CNN and the rest of the fake-news media
wrong and confirm you support President Trump and A.G. Barr seeking justice.
Please confirm below to ensure our poll is representative. You may submit a response until 11:59 p.m. on August 2nd, 2019.
Need more? The headines are piling up!
TownHall (7/06): Why We're Still Waiting On The DOJ Inspector General Report On Alleged Obama FISA Abuses
The Blaze (7/23): Bombshell IG report will accuse James Comey of running 'covert operation against' Trump, report says
Washington Examiner (7/22): Comey's inside man at White House emerges as DOJ inspector general finalizes FISA abuse
Washington Examiner (7/22): Jim Jordan on the DOJ IG report: 'What's got Schiff worried?'
Thank you for your immediate participation.
- Committee to Defend the President Polling Unit
Help the Committee to Defend the President have President Trump's back, defend him
from attacks, and re-elect him in 2020! |
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