Since our founding, we’ve made major strides in protecting the freedom to vote — in Georgia and beyond. 

Since our founding, Fair Fight has made major strides in protecting the freedom to vote — in Georgia and beyond. Take a look at our history and learn about our wins over the past five years:

2018: Founded by Stacey Abrams after significant voter difficulties in the 2018 election; Filed a federal lawsuit against Georgia’s former Secretary of State Brian Kemp and the State Election Board2019: Invested in voter protection in states with crucial elections; Supported voter protection work in 14 battleground states in preparation for the next election cycle2020: Established voter protection programs in 18 battleground states, with 60,000+ volunteers — resulting in a victory for President Biden in Georgia; Flipped a congressional district and five previously Republican-held District Attorney seats, and gained statewide seats for Democrats; 2021: Trained about 14,000 volunteers and reached hundreds of thousands of voters during the runoff election — sending Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to the Senate and securing a Democratic majority; Supported candidates in Georgia municipal elections — resulting in 43 wins2022: Mobilized volunteers to reach hundreds of thousands of voters in the midterm and runoff election cycles — resulting in a win for Sen. Warnock! Endorsed and supported 75 statewide candidates in Georgia’s primary election and 87 candidates in the general election, resulting in wins for 55 candidates2023 (so far!): Mobilized Democracy Watch volunteers to attend Board of Elections meetings — helping ensure the appointment of the first Black female chair in Fulton County! Prepared to take Texas-based right-wing organization True the Vote to court for using tactics designed to intimidate Georgia voters; 2024: We have plans to protect the freedom to vote during the 2024 elections and make sure every vote is counted in this critical race. This is where your support comes in!

To continue writing our story and protecting access to the ballot box into 2024 and beyond, we need to out-work the anti-voter extremists who are trying to stop us — and that’s possible with your support.

If it makes sense for you today, pitch in a small donation to help reach our July goal and pave the way for freer and fairer elections for years to come.

Chip in $5
Chip in $25
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $250

Thank you,

The Fair Fight Team