Hi John,
When it comes to being a fighter, you can't fake it. 

You can't "create" it by consultants. 

You follow me because you know I'm the genuine article. You know I've fought for election integrity and all the causes important to you. You know I've passed many laws that have changed Arizona! 

THAT is how you get support. THAT is how you raise money that's not from lobbyists. 

THAT is why I need you!

This is Senator Wendy Rogers, Chairman of the Elections Committee in the Arizona Senate. And I'm making headlines!

The latest piece says that my key to winning in 2024 is, not surprisingly... YOU!
Make sure I can keep fighting for Election Integrity!
To get an acknowledgement that you, not the lobbyists or special interests, are the key to my re-election? 

THAT is the best compliment a grassroots leader like me can receive.

I won't stop fighting because it's too important!

If you want me to keep fighting for you and make sure your voice is heard, I need your help. They are coming at me hard, trying to deny YOU your voice in the State Senate- just like they are trying to deny you your rightful vote!

Help me be re-elected so we can get the job done!

America First,
Wendy Rogers, Lt Col USAF (ret)
Arizona State Senator
Arizona's 7th Legislative District
P.S. Arizona is paying attention to how well I can raise money - and how many patriots can support me. Will you help me show them how serious we are about election integrity?

Wendy Rogers is a retired member of the Air Force. Use of military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force or the Department of Defense.
Copyright © 2023 Wendy Rogers for AZ Senate, All rights reserved.

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