John: As one of our top 10% of supporters, you’ve been chosen to complete our July Focus Group for Defend the Senate!

Your survey feedback will help guide our campaign to help Democrats win the Senate. Begin the Focus Group now:


John —

Thanks to your support, we defended and expanded our Democratic Senate majority in last year’s midterm elections.

Since then, Democrats have been full-speed ahead on delivering tangible results for the American people — but with only two seats holding onto our narrow majority, Mitch McConnell and his right-wing allies are pouring millions into battleground states to take back the Senate.

We’ve fought tough battles before, and input from top grassroots supporters like you has helped us come out on top. As we finalize our strategy to overcome the flood of GOP money and protect our Democratic majority in 2024, we hope we can count on you to stand with us.

That’s why we’re calling on you and other top grassroots supporters in PA to join our 2024 Senate Majority PAC focus group to offer your feedback as we work toward building another winning strategy for 2024.

Will you accept our invitation by clicking here to join our 2024 Senate Majority PAC focus group? Begin now >>


Thank you,

— Defend the Senate