A few months ago, I asked you to pray for Baby Legend, a sweet 3-month-old child in a Dallas hospital.
You responded immediately with fervent prayers, kind words of encouragement, and generous gifts that enabled our Patient Advocates to fight for Legend’s life alongside his loving mother, father, and grandparents. Legend’s family is so appreciative of your prayers, and his mom asked me to tell you “thank you!”
Tragically, Legend recently passed away unexpectedly. He was two weeks shy of his 5-month birthday.
Legend’s family first called us when the Dallas hospital threatened to take away his life-sustaining treatment against his parents' will.
>> (Yes, this is legal under the horrible 10-Day Rule, soon to be "25-Day Rule" in September.)
We are grateful that Legend passed away in God’s timing rather than having his ventilator removed prematurely, but that does not diminish this tragic and sudden loss.
John, please continue your prayers for Legend’s family, especially his parents, as they grieve the loss of their beautiful baby boy.
On behalf of Baby Legend’s family and our Patient Advocacy team, thank you for your heartfelt prayers and support!