You're Leadership Team Is Serious About Getting Candidates Elected
We must stay focused and continue moving forward. Stay encouraged.
Aloha Patriots, I trust you are all well. I want to reach out and provide a small update. There has been a lot going on since the elections have been completed. Your executive team is working together to keep the party moving towards 2024 with focused intent on getting candidates elected.

Spending time connecting with previous Vice Chairs of Community Service for the party and many others. Gaining understanding and advice on how best to strengthen the party and get candidates elected through community service engagement has been helpful. I believe we should honor and perpetuate the work that has been done thus far by the party, while incorporating additional areas of growth within our communities such as food security. (SEE END FOR CALL TO ACTION)

Three items that the party has invested time in thus far are:
1. Creating awareness of human trafficking
2. Donating Blood with the Blood Bank of Hawai'i (Update to come)
3. Collecting and donating socks and slippers to the homeless communities on our islands 

This Sunday the 16th at 1pm you are all invited to attend a special event out in Waianae to raise awareness of human trafficking on our islands. How to prevent it, how to recognize grooming and much more. (see the attached flyer for the details)

We will have special guest Veronica Eugenio from the Big Island who will fly over to speak at the International River of Life Christian Center. Veronic runs a facebook page called "Big Island Missing Children ''. Please subscribe and share so that we can continue to fight for the safety and protection of our precious children. 

*Please go and see the AMAZING film, "The Sound of Freedom". Spread the word amongst your friends and family. God's Children ARE NOT FOR SALE! While this film addresses heavy real-life issues; it is as tasteful in it's presentation as one could hope.

See the link below to view the trailer for, 'The Sound of Freedom":

Listen to Jim Caviezel & Tim Ballard talk about the film & God.

*We have an upcoming PAINT PARTY fundraiser event on July 22nd. See the attached flyer below. Come out and have fun expressing yourself creativity while contributing to the strengthening of our party. Tickets are for sale now.

Stay tuned for more information on more fun events we are putting together. For now I have only had people reach out to me about events happening on O'ahu. I want to include everyone from all islands to be invited. If you live on an outer-island and would like me to share an upcoming event, please reach out. 

CALL TO ACTION: I am looking for a 'community service representative' from every County. I would like to form a team that can work together to help connect with our neighbors around vital and relevant issues. 

God Bless you all, 
Joelle Seashell

Please email [email protected] or call/text Joelle at 808.799.0253 if you would like to be involved with community service.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7
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