John, did you get Frank’s call to action?

He reached out earlier this week because we’re facing our first mid-month deadline of the quarter, and right now, we’re not on pace to hit our goal.

Meeting these goals is crucial when you consider the fact that Republicans spent over $9 million last cycle trying to defeat Frank, and the National Republican Congressional Committee just released record-breaking fundraising numbers in their most recent financial report.

We need Frank’s district-focused leadership in Congress — and he asked us to emphasize the importance of early donations in order to protect this seat.

Can you chip in any amount today before our mid-month deadline expires tonight?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you,

— Team Mrvan

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Frank Mrvan
Date: Thurs, Jul 13, 2023
Subject: Let me explain

Dear John,

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to contribute toward my team’s first mid-month deadline of the quarter, but first, I want to explain why I’m asking for your support right now.

Last cycle, Republicans spent over $9 million trying to defeat me. We can’t forget that.

Now, I’ve been named one of the GOP’s top targets to flip. This means they’re likely going to pour even more money into Northwest Indiana in order to reverse the progress we’ve made to defend workers and support our economy.

That’s why I need to ask for your support today. We simply cannot wait until a few weeks before Election Day to take action.

John, pitch in today ahead of our first mid-month deadline of the new quarter:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

My team and I are counting on the support of this grassroots team to expand our reach across the district, contact even more voters, and spread our campaign message well ahead of any incoming Republican opposition.

Thank you for taking the time to read these emails and support our campaign,
