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Dear John

This is Jinxie, she is a small horse who is used by a circus in the UK. She is forced to carry children around and around the ring before the show, day after day.  She doesn’t want to be there. She wants to be free, free to run with other horses, free to make her own choices and free to express her own feelings. 

Although the animal circus ban of 2020 stops circuses from using wild animals, animals just like Jinxie are still used throughout the UK. 

Animals such as horses, dogs, birds, and even cats have been used in travelling circuses since the wild animal circus ban, despite there being overwhelming evidence that these animals greatly suffer too.

This is no life for ANY animal.


That’s why I am writing to you today. Will you donate today to help animals just like Jinxie and help to ensure that ALL animals 'performing' in circuses is a thing of the past? 

  • By donating £5 today you will help to fund campaign materials for grassroots groups to help with protests at circuses.
  • A gift of £10 will help us to ensure that councils are enforcing their own bans on the use of animals in circuses.
  • And £20 could see us carry on lobbying the government to finally end the use of ALL animals in circuses.

Last month we visited one of the UK’s animal circuses. Our investigator found that not only was Jinxie being made to perform but there were also five other horses and two dogs. All still being used in the ring.

You made this investigation possible, without your support we could not carry on showing the true reality for the animals used for human entertainment.

But the fight is not over!

These animals are forced to forced to learn degrading tricks, to perform night after night, to travel long distances in the back of trailers, they are denied basic needs, and aren't allowed to express their natural behaviours. 

During our recent public outreach, we found that many people think ALL animals were banned from circuses with the new legislation, but this is sadly not the case.

Now we want everyone to know the truth, that animals continue to suffer and with your help I know we can achieve this. 

I know times are tough for so many of us right now, but we can’t give up on these animals so please, give what you can and together we will achieve great things for animals used for entertainment. 

Thank you for everything you do for animals and for continuing to be by our side. We will fight for the forgotten animals in circuses, until all are free!

For the animals,

Laura Tomlinson
Freedom for Animals

P.S. Join the fight and help to ensure that once and for all there will be a total ban on the use of animals in circuses. Please donate £5 or more today. By donating, you will help carry on the fight for the freedom of ALL animals.

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