I always prefer to look on the bright side of things, folks.
But if you’ll allow me to complain for just a second, my least favorite part of running for office is having to ask folks like you for money. I’d much rather talk about the issues that impact all of us on a daily basis.
But the reality is elections are decided by just a few factors, and having the financial resources to compete is (unfortunately) one of the most important of them all.
So, after a discussion with my team, I think we found a reasonable solution: If 150 supporters set up recurring contributions for just a few dollars each month, we’ll be able to meet our goals more consistently and share more about my work on behalf of the people of NV-03.
And with our Mid-Month deadline less than 36 hours away, I’m asking for your help to solve two problems in one fell swoop. Will you make a recurring monthly contribution of $3, $5, or even $10?
Thank you for your continued generosity,
Susie Lee