Hello great Burdick for Congress supporters,

With just 2 weeks and 2 days left in the primary, an increased number of voters have asked us what else they can do to help Jeff finish Top 2 so he has a chance to upset Bera in November. If this applies to you, then we have two good options. (And if unable to do more, we still deeply appreciate your past excellent support.)

First, if you haven't already, it's never too late to plant a lawn sign and join our ranks of phone and door canvassers. Here's that link. https://www.burdickforcongress.com/get-involved

Second, help us flood the main media outlets with calls and emails demanding they finally cover this CA-7 Congressional race, interview Jeff and inform voters about the issues involved.

Below are some key media numbers and email links. If you need a script to follow or to edit into your own voice, here's a possibility:

"As a resident who cares deeply about this community and our nation, I'm deeply offended by your (station/newspaper) for not interviewing Congressional candidate Jeff Burdick or discussing a single policy at issue in his race against Ami Bera. These important issues include Medicare for All, campaign finance reform, and Ami Bera's funding his campaign through opioid companies and the most fined corporations in America.

"The historic nature of Jeff's candidacy is also newsworthy. He's the first Democrat to ever primary Bera, and his candidacy is giving this district its first choice of two Democratic Congressional candidates in 22 years. That's since last century! He's also taken the most principled fundraising pledge in the nation. That's all newsworthy, and your media outlet is not covering any of it. As a member of this community you need to fix that immediately, especially with just two weeks left in primary voting."

Sac Bee newsroom: (916) 321-1001 [email protected]

Cap Radio, here are several ways to contact them:
-- Call (916) 278-8966 and ask for the Newsroom
-- Email the newsroom t http://www.capradio.org/about/contact/contact-form-news/
-- Email their Insight public affairs show: http://www.capradio.org/about/bios/beth-ruyak/contact-beth-ruyak/

For the local TV stations:

Last, share this email through your own email and social media contacts. Let us know if we can provide you anything else. We appreciate your support!



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/burdickforcongress
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BurdickCA7
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeff_burdickca7
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCC7zzC1DbYfiLUf_zyJemTg/videos