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Hey, friends!
What a week! You know, sometimes there's nothing like kickin' those dirty libs in the tail to get your engine running! Yeah, they thought they would cancel us in Lubbock - and they did... twice! They desperately wanted to keep perverting children with their dirty books, but in the end, guess who won? We did, of course! Not only do True Texans not back down, but come on... guess Who (capital W) is on our side? Gotta love it. We had a church in Lubbock step up and say, "We must make people aware of what's going on. Meet at our place. We're inviting our whole congregation." And so we did! I even offered to hide their address until the last minute, but they said no -- they welcome the extra attention to the cause! A local radio guy talked about our meeting for a full hour! And as the vile Left was high fivin' and patting themselves on the back over getting us kicked out twice, we went right on about our business of saving kids. In the end, they had 1 protestor show up... and our attendance DOUBLED! Plus, the pastor invited us back.
Watch this clip to see the protestors!
Folks, this is why we do what we do. Take the victories where you can get 'em and then say a prayer of gratitude that we are privileged to be a part of something awesome.
Those who are NOT involved in True Texas Project are missing out. Invite them! It's great when we can encourage each other in battle.
TTP Around The State
OK, so speaking of being canceled and also of grooming children... this is your last call to sign up for Certified True Texan training in Granbury. We won't be offering classes again until 2025, and it won't be these same classes! So what does this have to do with cancel culture and grooming children? Well, one of the classes we offer is Defeat The Dirty Books, which is what caused the Lubbock protests. Another is True Texas Liberty on woke capitalism and canceling patriots, which is explained in this fun, short video. There are 4 other classes to choose from, all free, plus a chance to welcome the local activists for our new Cross Timbers satellite! That's a lot of reasons to be there, so sign up! It is THIS COMING WEEKEND!
Our Brazos Valley team had their victory party! Congrats to our winning axe-throwers. 1st place Winner is Wallace Jackson, and 2nd place winner is Ben Schams.
Quotes from some attendees: "Great fun! We should do this again!" "Yes, we threw real axes because we are tough patriots fighting the good fight!"
Giddy up for True Texas night at the Mesquite Rodeo! There were some questions about whether we'll be sitting together. Yes! Wear your TTP gear too. AND, if you are a voter registrar and want to take turns manning a table to register new voters, please reach out toShari London. Thanks for organizing this effort, Shari! Great idea!
Heads up! One of our guest speakers on property tax protesting, Chris Woolsey, who is also a city councilman, has a word of warning. The Navarro County Commissioners just invited Planned Parenthood into their community...and used tax dollars to pay for it. As Chris says, "We need to start keeping an eye on health departments like we are libraries for bad books." Read Chris's letter:
Change Will Do You Good
We're growing again! Can you keep up? Here are a couple changes we're making:
DFW South - Our Ellis County satellite is moving a wee bit to the west and becoming True Texas Project DFW South. It can help reach locations such as Arlington, Grand Prairie, Mansfield, maybe even east Johnson County and of course Ellis County. Meetings will be the 3rd Thursday of the month in Midlothian starting in August! Join the DFW South chat group here, and watch for details soon on the August 17 meeting!
Cross Timbers - Johnson and Erath Counties are now joined up, plus we invite Hood and Somervell -- and any others in the area -- to become True Texas Project Cross Timbers. We'll be meeting the 3rd Monday of every month in Granbury. Join the chat group here, and watch for meeting details for the August 21 meeting with .
Both of these groups have some of the current leadership making the move, but both also have some leadership team openings... and just in time for our super-fun, exclusive Leadership Summit in October, so sign up now!
Pass The Hat
VIP Greeter
Prayer Lead
Social Media/Advertising
Activities Coordinator
Candidate Coordinator
A/V Tech
Come on... those aren't hard roles... and you're there anyway, right? If any of those roles interest you for any location, please reply to this email!
The time to sit on the sidelines is passed... and besides, that's boring! Jump into the action. We make it fun!
Fran's Lege Update
They finally did it! The House and Senate actually made nice with each other, talked to each other, kissed and made up and came to an agreement on property tax relief. I was in the Senate gallery on Wednesday when Paul Bettencourt laid out SB2 - the new and improved property tax relief legislation. The Senate passed it on Wednesday, the House passed it on Thursday along with SB3, which is the franchise tax exemption portion, and then both chambers adjourned Sine Die. There's also a Constitutional Amendment bill for the increase in the homestead exemption. Governor Abbot has indicated that he will sign the bills.
The specifics of the deal are:
More than $7 billion to compress school district Maintenance & Operations rates (about 10.7 cents per $100)
An increase of the standard homestead exemption to $100,000
A three-year trial run for a 20 percent appraisal cap on commercial and non-homestead residential properties valued at or below $5 million
A $1.47 million increase to the state’s franchise tax exception
The creation of three elected positions on Appraisal Review Boards in counties above 75,000 population
Our friends at Texans for Fiscal Responsibility summed up the new legislation in this great article.
If you'd like to read the entire "Fran's Friday Message" please click here.
Stay Engaged! Fran Rhodes, President
This week at True Texas Project...
The third week of July is once again PACKED with 13 activities/meetings, so don't miss out! You can always see our upcoming events by checking the Events page at this linkbut below is a complete list of the week ahead.
Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing! (On your phone, you may need to save before you can enlarge.)