Biden Administration Funding Iran's Nuclear Bomb Tests, Threatening Israel for Trying to Prevent Them?
by Majid Rafizadeh • July 15, 2023 at 5:00 am
Secret attempts by the Biden Administration to reach an interim deal with the mullahs threaten not only to add an estimated $100 billion into the treasury of the Iranian regime's struggling economy, but, worse, catapult an Iranian nuclear menace onto the world.
Iran's aggression threatens not only its own brutalized citizens – Iran has executed more than 200 people in just the first half of this year and deliberately poisoned more than 1200 schoolgirls -- but also the entire region, Europe and the United States.
Reports also indicate that the Iranian regime's illegal nuclear activities have escalated in 2023 under the Biden Administration's watch.
In spite of these factors and the strong opposition from the Congress -- including a warning from U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul that according to the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015, any agreement, even an informal one, with Iran about its nuclear weapons program, must be approved by Congress and no funds released until after 60 says -- the Biden Administration has been holding secret talks in Oman...
Along with this Iranian plan to join the "nuclear club," abetted by the Biden Administration, this same Biden Administration, in the face of Iran's openly stated commitment to Israel's destruction is, according to one report, now pressuring Israel to "commit suicide" or risk losing American support.
The dangerous legacy the Biden Administration appears to want to leave includes threats to the only democracy in the Middle East while capitulating to the world's most vicious dictators in Afghanistan, China, Venezuela and Iran -- which the US State Department has called the "top state sponsor of terrorism" -- and soon, thanks to the Biden Administration, armed with nuclear bombs.

Thanks to the Biden Administration's appeasement of the Iranian regime, the mullahs have apparently become more emboldened than ever to test their nuclear bomb. Secret attempts by the Administration to reach an interim deal with the mullahs threaten not only to add an estimated $100 billion into the treasury of the Iranian regime's struggling economy, but, worse, catapult an Iranian nuclear menace onto the world.
Iran's aggression threatens not only its own brutalized citizens – Iran has executed more than 200 people in just the first half of this year and deliberately poisoned more than 1200 schoolgirls -- but also the entire region, Europe and the United States.
New European intelligence reports recently disclosed that the Islamic Republic of Iran has sought to skirt sanctions imposed by the European Union and the United States in order to accelerate testing an atom bomb.