“In almost every death certificate that identifies a covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate.”. Mass murder is ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

CDC Altered Death Certificates to Remove ‘COVID Vaccine’ as Cause
“In almost every death certificate that identifies a covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death listed on the death certificate.”

“.. ...

Mother Sues State for Denying Adoption Over Her Christian Beliefs
What's next? Denying adoption if one doesn't use the correct pronouns? So you cannot adopt child unless you accept transmania.

And where is our Constitutional right to freedom of religion?

I’m a Christian and I'm Suing My State Because It ...

Israel Targeted on Twitter More Than Any Other Country, Study Finds
Straight up Jew hatred.

Israel is targeted on Twitter more than any other country, study finds

Israel was mentioned more than any other country including North Korea, China, and Iran in tweets regarding human rights violations, according to ...

Israeli Surgeons Reattach Palestinian Boy’s Head After Decapitation
Leaving this one right here.

Dr. Ohad Einav and Dr. Ziv Asa with 12-year-old Suleiman Hassan at Hadassah Medical Center after surgery to reattach his head to his neck after he suffered internal decapitation in a bicycle accident. (Hadassah ...

Alarming Navy Intel Warns Of China’s 200 Times Greater Shipbuilding Capacity
America, under the Democrats, is racing to the bottom.

Globalism has led to the deindustrialization of the United States. This is the result. The U.S was once dominant in shipbuilding. Today, the U.S is unable to keep up with China in military ...

Despite Supreme Court Ruling, Biden’s Rogue Regime Cancels $39 Billion In Student Loan Debt
The Biden administration regime announced today that it would automatically forgive $39 billion in student debt for 804,000 borrowers.

The announcement comes weeks after the conservative-majority Supreme Court struck down President Biden’s ...

Biden’s FTC Bullied Ernst & Young to Punish Elon Musk’s Twitter
Joe Biden’s FTC wanted Ernst & Young to punish Elon Musk’s Twitter for its defense of the first amendment.

If they didn’t, Ernst & Young feared they would be retaliated against by the government.

HOLY SCHMOLY https://t.co/nKjav2wAbl ...

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