[[link removed]]FRIEND
Today is World Orca Day, and we’d like nothing more than to send you some good
news about this incredible species. Instead, we’re sounding the alarm: Cappuccino, Marina and Ripple are dead. Don’t let their starving family members
of the Southern Resident pods meet the same fate.
Big Oil and Big Cruise are pushing these whales toward EXTINCTION with noise and pollution from their ships, disrupting orca habitats and causing
a further decline in endangered Chinook salmon – the orcas' most vital food
That’s why there's never been a more powerful moment to stand up for the future
of our whales, oceans and our Earth. But time is running out for you to make twice the difference: your gift today
will be matched dollar for dollar, up to our $90,000 World Orca Day goal – but
only until midnight TONIGHT. We're part of the world's largest grassroots environmental network fighting Big
Polluters for a just, sustainable future, and we’re counting on you to help us
reach our critical goal. We pulled your supporter record, and here’s what we
[[link removed]]EMAIL:
[email protected]
[[link removed]]Records reflect most recent available data. 11:59 p.m deadline.
Here's the deal: Our Southern Resident orcas are suffering from slow, painful and persistent
starvation, making them even MORE vulnerable to threats from corporate
polluters. Oil pipelines and fleets of tankers are ticking time bombs for the next
devastating oil spill. Toxic cruise lines are dumping acidic pollution directly
into orcas’ fragile habitats. And unless we take action, these threats will only get worse. Our orcas don't have much time left.
Every single dollar is accounted for in our battle to protect endangered orcas,
our waterways and our only Earth. We can't afford to fall short of this urgent $90,000 World Orca Day goal. Falling short means cutting back on our work – and there’s just too much at
stake to allow that to happen.
Time is running out to secure a sustainable future, Friend – and the stakes are simply too high to just wait and see. Please,
don’t waste this opportunity: Rush a membership contribution of $27 or more now – before World Orca Day ends
– to help us reach our goal and save our planet.
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If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go
through immediately:
Donate $27 immediately
[[link removed]] Donate $50 immediately
[[link removed]] Donate $100 immediately
[[link removed]] Donate another amount
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Marcie Keever
Oceans & vessels program director,
Friends of the Earth
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Washington, D.C. | Berkeley, CA
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