Legislative Update
These last two weeks has been busy! I attended City Council meetings in Grand Meadow, Adams, and Lyle to give legislative updates and hear questions and concerns about the recently passed Paid Family Leave law and marijuana legalization. I also discussed with them the numbers for Local Government Aid and small city aid for this year.
Last Friday and Saturday, I attended Rose Creek Fun Days, where I had the opportunity to put on fire gear and participate in the Firemen's Water Fight! This event is always fun and I'm so glad I got to participate.
On Sunday, I went to the Johnsburg Jamboree, one of my favorite community events of the summer. It was a great time talking to people from our community and play games like Bingo and Poop for the Loot! (Photo at left)
On Wednesday, I attended Northern Country Co-Op Farm Days, where I listened to farmers share about their struggles with the drought, fair pricing, and the need for funding to keep people in farming instead of leaving the industry. I learned more about cover crops and what it means to be a sustainable farmer.
On Tuesday, I met with the Austin Chamber to hear about the exciting things they're doing at Austin High School. And then on Wednesday, I had the opportunity to visit the Hormel Institute to hear about their plans for microscope imaging and biomedical research along with a STEM facility for our school. We have incredible things happening in our local communities!
Thursday morning, I visited Valley Transportation in Grand Meadow and talked to several truck drivers who haul all the necessities we use every day. They expressed concerns about the blackout bill, which fundamentally changes how we'll need to generate energy by 2040. They also talked about concerns with workforce shortage and difficulties with fuel prices. I learned a lot, and also had the opportunity to see several of their trucks!
News from St. Paul
News broke recently about a mistake in this year's tax bill that will cost Minnesota taxpayers $352 million per year if it's not corrected during next year's session. This is the consequence of passing massive bills so quickly that few people have the opportunity to read and research them before they wind up on the House and Senate floors for a vote. This mistake is proof that we need to slow down and be more thoughtful about the things we pass during session, and get adequate public input and take our time before passing huge changes into law.
Please Contact Me
Please continue to reach out if I can be of any assistance to you. You can reach me by phone at 651-296-4193 or by email at [email protected].
Have a great weekend!
253 State Office Building 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Saint Paul, MN 55155 ph: 651.296.4193 |