Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog offers a first-person account of this week's Human Needs Hero Reception, honoring Sr. Richelle Friedman. And we bring you more information on America's about-to-be worsening child care crisis. Please share!
This week on the blog...
Celebrating with CHN: The Human Needs Hero Reception
July 14
The Coalition on Human Needs Thursday night hosted its annual Human Needs Hero Reception and honored Sr. Richelle Friedman, who spent 30 years fighting for social change in D.C., including 16 years serving as CHN’s Director of Public Policy. Friedman “ended her D.C. ministry” this past December and returned to her home state of Iowa, where she continues to pursue progressive advocacy. READ MORE »
The Century Foundation's state fact sheets are a great resource for child care advocates
July 12
Last month, Voices for Human Needs detailed The Child Care Cliff, a new report released by The Century Foundation. The report warned that as many as 3.2 million kids could lose access to child care beginning this fall and 70,000 child care centers across the U.S. could close. As part of the report, The Century Foundation released fact sheets for all 50 states plus Washington, D.C. Each state fact sheet documents how many kids are expected to lose child care; the number of child care programs expected to close; the loss of earnings families will experience as a result of having to cut their hours or leave the workforce entirely; the loss of employer productivity; and the loss of child care jobs. READ MORE »
Coalition on Human Needs
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