Countless close associates of Donald Trump have been
indicted -- and found guilty -- of federal crimes over the last six
years. While Trump and the rest of the MAGA Republicans may try to
blame that on the FBI, the Department of Justice, the "Deep State,"
and, well, just about anyone else, here's the truth: there's only one
person to blame for the fact that Donald Trump has surrounded himself
with criminals, and it's not the FBI.?
Trump chose to surround himself with criminals, and his
appointees prosecuted them. It's no one's fault but his
In 2020, we worked together and kicked Trump
out of office -- as well as MAGA Republicans in the House and the
Senate who were doing nothing but carrying his water. And now, in
2023, we are gearing up to do it again.?Will
you join us?
If you've saved your payment
information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through
It's not simply that Trump surrounds himself with criminals,
and it's not just that he blames the FBI for it.?Trump is also
under indictment personally?in multiple jurisdictions for a
variety of crimes, including federal charges for his disregard for our
national security and disrespect for rules that keep our most
sensitive information secure.?
Momentum is committed to doing the work -- today, tomorrow, and every
day between now and November 2024 to make sure that Trump and his cast
of criminals stay away from the White House. But we can't do it alone
-- will you chip in any amount right now so that we can keep Trump out
of the White House?
Let's keep working, Ted
P.S. Do you want to hear more about Trump's criminal
associates? Click
below to watch!
