The Messenger: How federal agencies stack the deck with in-house tribunals


Some federal regulator or another thinks you’ve broken the law. What happens next? You might suppose they’d take you to federal court to determine your innocence or guilt.

But Adi Dynar tells us that’s not always how it goes, and if you’re unfortunate enough to be in the crosshairs of a federal agency that has an in-house tribunal, it could take many years—and enormous costs—before you ever see the inside of a real courtroom.

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The New York Times: The next battle over colorblindness has begun


While the Supreme Court sharply curtailed the use of race-based affirmative action in higher education, it’s by no means the end of the campaign to eliminate race-conscious policies in education and elsewhere, law professor Sonja Starr writes in The New York Times.

“Indeed, it’s just the beginning,” she writes, and notes Pacific Legal Foundation’s work as part of the next—and even more important—stage of the battle.

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The Messenger: High school lawsuit offers preview of life after affirmative action


The Supreme Court ended affirmative action as we knew it with its decision in the Students for Fair Admissions cases against Harvard and the University of North Carolina.

Erin Wilcox provides us with a glimpse into what’s next. Spoiler alert: To school administrators, race still matters.

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The Providence Journal: Coastal homeowners sue over shoreline law, but state is prepared to fight


Coastal property owners’ federal lawsuit to overturn Rhode Island's new shoreline-access law is making waves throughout northern New England.

The lawsuit, filed by Pacific Legal Foundation, argues that the new legislation amounts to an unconstitutional taking under the Fifth Amendment.

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