Please join us for an Earth Day Live event on Monday, July
17 at 12:00pm Eastern entitled How
Plastic Threatens Human and Planetary Health. This
digital event will examine the toxic impacts of plastics on both the
human body and the environment around us.
Plastic poses a grave threat to both human and planetary health, as
its production, usage, and disposal processes contribute to
significant environmental and health concerns. The persistent nature
of plastic pollution damages ecosystems, disrupts biodiversity, and
exacerbates climate change, posing long-term threats to the health of
our planet.
This Earth Day Live event will feature voices addressing the
importance of the growing issue of plastic waste, especially in the
healthcare sector and possible solutions to the issue at hand.
more about ongoing research and innovations in the healthcare
The event will be approximately 1 hour and hosted on Twitter,
and on our webpage.
By RSVP'ing, you'll receive a reminder on the day with a link to view
the event.
Current panelists include:
Teddie Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN — Director of Planetary
Health & Clinical Professor at the University of Minnesota School
of Nursing
Jo Bjorgaard, BSN, RN, PHN — Planetary Health Nurse
Consultant, Board of directors for HPHC
John Ullman — Director, Safer Chemicals and
Procurement at Healthcare Without Harm U.S.
Aidan Charron, Moderator — End of Plastics
Coordinator at EARTHDAY.ORG
We look forward to an engaging conversation on the future of
plastics in the healthcare industry.
Aidan Charron End of Plastics Coordinator