


I hope you’re having a great week! Before the weekend starts, let’s get you caught up on all that’s been happening. If this email was forwarded to you, you may subscribe to my e-newsletter here.




I have the great privilege of serving Oklahoma on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and it’s an honor I don’t take lightly. This Congress, we have had countless hearings on our current military recruiting shortage and how we can address it. Despite this fact, over 8,000 service members were discharged for not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine during the pandemic.

I recently asked U.S. Air Force General Charles Q. Brown Jr. his stance on reinstating our service members who were wrongly let go due to their vaccine status. Check it out by clicking the link below.







This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with many Oklahomans about the issues closest to our communities. We discussed the Farm Bill and the state of Oklahoma agriculture with the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. I also had a great conversation with Sand Springs Schools Superintendent Sherry Durkee and Bethel Schools Superintendent Matt Posey on setting our children on the best path for future success. Special thank you to Tyler and Bay who spoke about their experiences living with Type 1 diabetes as a part of the Oklahoma Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

We’ve met with so many Oklahomans – it’s hard to include them all in just one newsletter! Make sure you’re following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to catch all of this and more.






America must project strength on the global stage – and the current administration is doing anything but that. Under President Trump, you never saw the emerging threats and global crises that we’re undergoing currently. That’s no coincidence. It is well past time for Joe Biden to show strength and get tough on our adversaries.

I spoke with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo about Joe Biden’s weak foreign policy. Check it out by clicking the link below.






Last month, the United States Supreme Court released three landmark decisions that strengthened Constitutional protections for all Americans – a tremendous victory for the rule of law. While these rulings are tremendous wins for our Founders’ vision of America, it’s important to recognize that these victories would not have been possible without President Trump appointing strong constitutionalists to the bench. These rulings are a great reminder that under an ideologically independent Supreme Court, the Constitution will always prevail.


I wrote about this topic in my latest ‘Mullin it Over’ column, read it by clicking the link below.






Thanks for reading my weekly e-newsletter! It’s an honor to represent the great state of Oklahoma in the U.S. Senate. You can stay in touch by following me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. As always, don’t hesitate to contact my office if we can help in any way.


God Bless!







Markwayne Mullin

U.S. Senator for Oklahoma



