John, Half of U.S. deaths related to air pollution are linked to out-of-state emissions. This plan helps protect downwind states from pollution.

Tell Senator Tillis to oppose the repeal of the Good Neighbor Plan.»


Did you know half of U.S. deaths related to air pollution are linked to out-of-state emissions?

In March of this year, the Biden Administration finalized the Cross State Air Pollution Standard–commonly known as the Good Neighbor Plan–to address this issue. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) projects the plan will prevent up to 1,300 premature deaths, reduce hospital and emergency room visits for thousands of people, help keep hundreds of thousands of children and adults from missing school and work due to respiratory illness, and decrease asthma symptoms for millions of Americans.

But extreme right wing politicians want to rollback these protections. Last month they introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution that would repeal this plan. This is important because North Carolina is one of the downwind states. Senator Tillis has not yet signed onto this resolution, and he must stand up for North Carolinians’ health and oppose this resolution.

Tell Senator Tillis to oppose the repeal of the Good Neighbor Plan!


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This plan won’t introduce additional costs to our state, but will protect us from other states’ pollution. All the money saved from reduced hospital and emergency visits is money in North Carolinians’ pockets. Senator Tillis must stand strong against attacks on this important public health safeguard. A vote to protect the Good Neighbor Plan is a vote to save lives, protect our health and clean up our air.

Dan Crawford (He/Him)
Director of Governmental Relations
NC League of Conservation Voters


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