friend, I’m excited to share some good news! State advocates and policymakers across the country are adopting policies that improve the health and well-being of immigrants, their families, and entire communities.

Today, we are shining the spotlight on Minnesota: After decades of organizing, immigrants and allies secured several inclusive laws, including:

  • Driver’s Licenses: HF 4, signed in March, will allow eligible Minnesotans to obtain driver's licenses, regardless of their immigration status, effective October 1, 2023.
  • Health Care: SF 2995, enacted in May, will provide public health coverage under MinnesotaCare to adults and children who are undocumented, in January 2025.
  • Higher Education: HF 2073, signed in May, establishes North Star Promise scholarships to cover tuition and fees at public universities and state colleges in Minnesota for eligible students of any immigration status.

Friend — these state laws are critical in building a more inclusive and welcoming nation. Congress should take note of the growing support for these measures by enacting pro-immigrant laws at the federal level.

This is just a sneak peek. Stay tuned as we share more of the state and national victories, as we work collectively to make enduring change at all levels of government.


Tanya Broder
Senior Counsel, Health & Economic Justice Policy
National Immigration Law Center