SIGN NOW: Tell Congress to pass Bernie Sanders’s College for All Act
Education debt doesn't just impact young people. Hundreds of thousands of seniors are having their earned Social Security benefits garnished for student debt.
No matter where you come from, who you are, or how much money you have in your pocket, you should have a future with affordable education, and be able to build a life without crushing debt.
Young people are forced to make an impossible choice about their future: go to college and take on insurmountable debt OR forgo a college degree and take a gamble on finding a full time job that pays a living wage without a degree requirement.
Unfortunately, education debt doesn't just impact young people. Hundreds of thousands of seniors are having their earned Social Security benefits garnished for student debt, a number that’s sure to grow along with the cost of college.
That’s why President Biden took executive action to offer student debt relief, and why it’s so galling that the out of control right-wing Supreme Court blocked it. Education debt is making it harder than ever to save for retirement and is preventing tens of millions of people from buying homes, starting families, and starting businesses. That weakens economic growth, hurting all of us. Thankfully, some members of Congress are taking action.
Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Pramila Jayapal have introduced the College for All Act, which would eliminate tuition and fees at four-year public colleges and universities for families making up to $125,000 and make community college tuition and fees free for all.
Join Social Security Works and our allies in telling Congress to pass the College for All Act to save current and future generations from crushing education debt.
Social Security shows us the absolute power of simple, universal programs. We should demand no different from education. No matter where you come from, who you are, or how much money you have in your pocket, you should have a future with affordable education, and be able to build a life without crushing debt.
In addition to making college free for millions of people today and into the future, the College for All Act would also reduce crushing student loan debt. The bill would cut all student loan interest rates for new borrowers in half and enable existing borrowers to refinance their loans based on the interest rates available to new borrowers.
Sign the petition to demand Congress pass the College for All Act and create a future free from education debt.
Together, we’re fighting for bold policies that support people of all generations and ensure a safe and secure retirement for everyone, not just the wealthy few.
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works