The Jerusalem Day 2020 - Election Year Mission is more than just a tour of Jerusalem! You will travel across Israel, stopping in many locations, hearing about the history at each stop. Cities and places that will bring the bible alive. That will give you an understanding of the struggles that Israel has gone through and the strength of the Jewish spirit, heritage and blessings experienced through time!
You will trace some of the footsteps of Jesus along the Via Dolorosa before walking to the reconstructed Jewish Quarter. You will walk through the Cardo, the original Roman street and see the remains of the massive wall built by King Hezekiah. Then you will exit the city and make your way to the Israeli Parliament-Knesset for a special tour and meeting with Knesset members.
Check out the full itinerary here:
The Israel - Election Year Mission tour includes time to experience the JERUSALEM DAY CELEBRATIONS happening across the city.
Yom Yerushalayim, also known as Jerusalem Day, commemorates Jerusalem's reunification in 1967. This day begins on 28th day of the month of Iyyar in the Hebrew calendar. Which falls on Friday, May 22, 2020.
That evening you are all invited to a Kabalat Shabbat, the receiving of the Sabbath service. This is a unique and heartfelt service at the Western Wall with many local Jewish worshipers.
You will hear details of the "DEAL OF THE CENTURY" in a very special briefing with U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman!
This tour is being co-hosted by 4 very special ladies! Come, meet them and hear what they are doing to stand for America!
Tom Trento and Dr. Roni Wexler lead this tour and bring you an amazing national security expert team as shown below:
Trevor Loudon (Author and Filmmaker), John Guandolo (former FBI, Author, and President/Founder of Understanding the Threat), Clare Lopez (former CIA Operations Officer and Author), Philip Haney (Retired founding member of DHS and Author), and Laura Loomer (Conservative Activist, Running for FL Congress District 21)
They will educate and enable you to return with greater knowledge to stand against the threats to Israel and to America!
