I hate to break it to Joe Biden, but this is a "normal court."
"Not a normal court."

John, President Joe Biden recently told a reporter that the current Supreme Court is "not a normal court" because he doesn't agree with the decisions they've made.

I hate to break it to him, but this is a normal court appointed by the same processes we've used for generations, as laid out in our Constitution.

Democrats like Biden are trying to discredit this Supreme Court in any way they can because they have delivered some incredible constitutional victories for conservatives over the last year.

The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, protected civil liberties, stopped affirmative action in college admissions, and blocked Biden's attempts to forgive student loan debt.

Now, the Left is scheming to pack the Supreme Court with progressive judges, but they can't do that if they don't control the Senate.

 Secure the Senate → Protect the Supreme Court 

John, the judicial system will continue to protect our Constitution if we don't let the Democrats fill it with liberal judges. We must make it clear to Joe Biden and liberals in Washington that Americans think this is a "normal court."

When we SECURE THE SENATE in 2024, we will prevent the Left from packing the court. But we cannot do it without you, John. It's up to you and me to push back on the idea that protecting the unborn and fairness for all are "not normal."

To ensure our victory and Secure the Senate majority in 2024, we need to prevent the Left from not only villainizing, but also packing the court. Are you with me?

Thank you,

Lindsey Graham
Lindsey Graham

P.S. A Republican Senate majority can be one of the last lines of defense against Joe Biden and the liberal Left's plan to pack our courts with radical judges. Stand up to them today. Let Joe Biden know that you think this is a "NORMAL" Court.

 Secure the Senate → Protect the Supreme Court 

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